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và hãnh diện đồng lòng mặc áo đồng phục HĐTƯ- 3. Must we always wear the ICCVS uniform
HĐVN trong những buổi sinh hoạt truyền thống sắp instead of the uniform of our local scouting orga-
tới ở địa phương mình. Hãy cùng nhau nêu cao tinh nizations?
thần kỷ luật, cũng như ý thức bảo vệ và duy trì bản sắc
dân tộc của mình. - As registered members of the local scouting or-
ganisations , we need to wear their uniform while we
participate in the activities of our local scouting or-
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ON ganizations. ICCVS always encourages co operation
THE UNIFORM OF HDTU-HDVN ( ICCVS ) with all local scouting organizations.
- As registered members of HDTU-HDVN (IC-
1. Why do we have a uniform for ICCVS? CVS) , we need to wear the ICCVS uniform with pride
when we participate in Vietnamese community activi-
Uniforms and insignia represent an organization. ties, or other traditional activities, such as monthly or
Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement, Vietnam- annual flag ceremonies, regional, national, and inter-
ese Buddhist Youth Association, YMCA, martial arts national jamborees.
associations, etc. all have their own unique uniforms.
Though ICCVS was founded in 1983 with over 4. Must men only wear the brown shirt, while
5000 members globally – in Australia, France, the women only wear the blue shirt?
United States of America, and Canada – there has nev-
er been a decision on an image for our organization, We can choose to wear either the brown or the
other than our flag and insignia. blue shirt, when leading activities with the youth.
We are familiar with wearing the uniforms of ** Female leaders may also wear the brown shirt,
scouting organizations of our local areas. Over time, if they wish to have two shirt colors to wear, as needed.
we inadvertently came to promote those local uni-
forms and guidelines, while undervaluing the role and 5. May we suggest other shirt colors in the fu-
efforts of ICCVS in maintaining our organization’s ture?
ethnic identity and attachment. As the need arises, we may suggest changes to
Fortunately, we stood united to protect ICCVS our regional and national representatives, who will
when challenged, and established our legal status in then present them to the Council of Leaders for con-
the United States and Canada, the winter of 2018- sideration.
2019, thus affirming our independence. The ICCVS
uniform symbolizes this independence. 6. Who decided on the uniform?
2. Why choose brown and blue as the shirt The decision on the uniform color was the culmi-
color? nation of over a year of discussion among all regional
and national representatives, who agreed to the major-
This is the shirt color of Vietnamese Scouting af- ity vote.
ter 1930. ICCVS sincerely hopes that everyone will wear
Brown represents agriculture, the foundation of the ICCVS uniform with pride and dedication in fu-
our beloved homeland. It also represents the humil- ture traditional activities locally. Let us promote dis-
ity and gentleness of the earth. No matter how much cipline, as well as maintain and protect our national
we work the land, it continues to generously share its identity.
Blue represents the sky and enduring hope. FOIRES AUX QUESTIONS SUR
What could be more meaningful than shirts rep- L’UNIFORME DE HDTU-HDVN (CCISV)
resenting the earth and the sky, just as Lạc Long Quân
and Âu Cơ led 50 children to the seas and 50 children 1/ Pourquoi le CCISV (Comité Central In-
to the mountains? ternational du Scoutisme Vietnamien) dispose-t-il
d’un uniforme?
30 • LIÊN LẠC 2022-3